Website & Registration Solution Proposal
The only complete & customized package on the
Internet !!!
- People in our community are too busy to volunteer time to run clubs and associations
- People do not want to waste their time setting up and running clubs while 99% of
the members do absolutely nothing except complain.
- Organizing, advertising, administering registration and communication through out the season
can add up to hundreds of man hours.
- Entering members registration on a spread sheets is error-prone, not accessible to
other executive members, never up to date and dangerously stored on home PC’s
( virus )
Solution ( General )
Our solution is the “ The Club Website and Registration Package “.
The package is being marketed and leased to clubs or associations.
The package give the following advantages :
1) The club can advertise all club programs and activities, operating times, and fees
on it own webpages. The use of pictures and video gives a professional presentation of the
club. People in the West Island are looking for quality !!
2) The website allows members to register online. This ensures more accuracy
in data entry. Members can register from their homes quickly and not worry about
registration day.
3) The registration program automatically calculates clubs fees and provide
the appropriate payment plan.
4) The website uses the state of the art MS SQL server database to save all member
information. Program are written in vbscript, ADO and ASP
5) The administrative package gives many different reports and searches which are all
up to the moment accurate !!
- provides tag print capability.
- provides basic membership payment applications and reports on delinquent members.
- allows updating and categorizing of members with reporting capabilities.
- allows manual entry of members that do not use internet.
6) The event module allows members to register for various social or competitive events
online. No more club sign up lists.
7) The powerful email module allows fast communication on a personal level.
You can email the whole club, groups or individual members quickly from
anywhere in the world in the world !!
8) The package can cut almost 90% of the clubs administrative duties.
10) New Tournament registration package
11) In the future, Clubs will be able to advertise their website to our other client club’s members.
Soccer, Baseball, Hockey, Tennis etc ... With in a couple of years all clubs
will be using our package and residents will be very familiar with the process.
12) Competitive Ladder module will give you the ability to run a season long
West Island
Badminton Club ( example )
The results of using this package at WIBC have been incredible !!!!
The previous year's membership left the club almost bankrupt with the threat of closing .
Despite doing the Canada day parade, Pierrefonds city registration, Dollard city registration,
1000 flyers and news paper articles.
The results on opening night were 70 adults and 48 juniors.
After implementing our Website & Registration package
solution, the club was a complete sell out of 270 members by year end.
The website was simply advertized in the city's recreational journal and
business cards with the website address were handed out.
Never in the history of any Badminton club in the Montreal region has this occurred !!
Registration required little executive data entry. Membership fee posting was fast and accurate.
Tag's were easily prepared prior to the first night. Despite having a lot of members... new and
old .. things went much smoother than usual. No one had to waste two months of taking
registration fees and guest fees like previous years !!
Communication parties, adult lessons, interclub teams, cancellation nights and general
announcements were easily accomplished through the powerful emailing module.
Imagine .. 270 club members and no executive member responsible for memberships !!!
The cost for just the website for advertising purpose and simple registration.
is $150 / year plus tax. You can take simply registration, post schedules, lessons, etc.
You will have simple reporting and email capabilities. Great for small clubs with
under 100 members.
The software program contains 50,000 lines of code and has a market value of $40,000
The cost of the lease per year is $300 plus tax ( $300 / yr for 300 members or less ).
There is an additional charge of $15 for every 1000 members.
Larger clubs will pay slightly more due to extra data storage. A soccer federation of 2,500
participants would pay about 25 cents per registration which saves over $1,400.00
just in mailing material costs to the players and the families as well as cutting hundreds of hours
in labour of mailing, photo-copying and entering data.
This lease includes:
- the current upgraded software package release and software support.
- website & database hosting
- database backups
To pay for this service separately would cost about :
- $40,000 package
- $900 / yr support and
- $1,000 / yr for website & database hosting.
Expenses such as balls, shuttles, parties and rents are purely expenses.
This service is an expense that generates a revenue and a work load reducer.
The return on a $300 investment will be normally bring in more than $3000 of membership revenue.
Why waste your valuable time ??
Thank you for your consideration !
David Pealow
.. President / Senoir IT Consultant .. Action Plus 2000 Inc.